The 12th CEE CEE and 2nd CEE DCE will include managers, salesmen and technical decision makers from all over the region.

It is primarily designed for

  • Sales persons in telecom and data center companies, including those at national and regional level
  • Business people involved in the strategic aspects of running their companies including senior executives and Board members, sales managers, IT directors, business analysts, department heads, etc.
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Benefits For Attendees

  • Exceptional networking
  • Unique opportunity to directly learn from the best telecom and data center companies
  • Introduction to the progressive thinking, immense international experience, latest global trends, cognitions and practices
  • Sole chance to acquire direct experiences and key new competences
  • Continuous string of pre-arranged bilateral meetings with other attendees
  • Incentives and ideas for initiating new projects
  • Rich program of social activities during the conference (parties, lunches, surprise events)